120GS Bus Timings from Park Station towards (→) Broadway
- Route No: 120GS
- Bus going towards: Broadway
- Bus Timings from: Park Station
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 9:09 AM
- 4:34 PM
- 7:24 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Central Station, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
120GS Bus Timings from Central Station towards (→) Broadway
- Route No: 120GS
- Bus going towards: Broadway
- Bus Timings from: Central Station
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 9:10 AM
- 4:35 PM
- 7:25 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Payaigada, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
120GS Bus Timings from Payaigada towards (→) Broadway
- Route No: 120GS
- Bus going towards: Broadway
- Bus Timings from: Payaigada
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 9:12 AM
- 4:37 PM
- 7:27 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Flower Market, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
120GS Bus Timings from Flower Market towards (→) Broadway
- Route No: 120GS
- Bus going towards: Broadway
- Bus Timings from: Flower Market
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 9:13 AM
- 4:38 PM
- 7:28 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Broadway, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
120GS Bus Timings from Broadway towards (→) Broadway
- Route No: 120GS
- Bus going towards: Broadway
- Bus Timings from: Broadway
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 9:14 AM
- 4:39 PM
- 7:29 PM
- Last Bus