570AC Bus Timings from Sholinganallur (Government School) towards (→) Kelambakkam
- Route No: 570AC
- Bus going towards: Kelambakkam
- Bus Timings from: Sholinganallur (Government School)
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 11:45 AM
- 12:05 PM
- 12:20 PM
- 12:27 PM
- 12:57 PM
- 3:50 PM
- 3:57 PM
- 4:05 PM
- 4:12 PM
- 4:20 PM
- 4:35 PM
- 4:57 PM
- 5:05 PM
- 7:57 PM
- 8:05 PM
- 8:20 PM
- 8:27 PM
- 8:35 PM
- 8:42 PM
- 9:00 PM
- 9:10 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Ponniamman Kovil, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
570AC Bus Timings from Ponniamman Kovil towards (→) Kelambakkam
- Route No: 570AC
- Bus going towards: Kelambakkam
- Bus Timings from: Ponniamman Kovil
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 11:48 AM
- 12:08 PM
- 12:23 PM
- 12:30 PM
- 1:00 PM
- 3:53 PM
- 4:00 PM
- 4:08 PM
- 4:15 PM
- 4:23 PM
- 4:38 PM
- 5:00 PM
- 5:08 PM
- 8:00 PM
- 8:08 PM
- 8:23 PM
- 8:30 PM
- 8:38 PM
- 8:45 PM
- 9:03 PM
- 9:13 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Kumaran Nagar, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
570AC Bus Timings from Kumaran Nagar towards (→) Kelambakkam
- Route No: 570AC
- Bus going towards: Kelambakkam
- Bus Timings from: Kumaran Nagar
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 11:51 AM
- 12:11 PM
- 12:26 PM
- 12:33 PM
- 1:03 PM
- 3:56 PM
- 4:03 PM
- 4:11 PM
- 4:18 PM
- 4:26 PM
- 4:41 PM
- 5:03 PM
- 5:11 PM
- 8:03 PM
- 8:11 PM
- 8:26 PM
- 8:33 PM
- 8:41 PM
- 8:48 PM
- 9:06 PM
- 9:16 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Satyabhama Dental College and Hospital, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
570AC Bus Timings from Satyabhama Dental College and Hospital towards (→) Kelambakkam
- Route No: 570AC
- Bus going towards: Kelambakkam
- Bus Timings from: Satyabhama Dental College and Hospital
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 11:54 AM
- 12:14 PM
- 12:29 PM
- 12:36 PM
- 1:06 PM
- 3:59 PM
- 4:06 PM
- 4:14 PM
- 4:21 PM
- 4:29 PM
- 4:44 PM
- 5:06 PM
- 5:14 PM
- 8:06 PM
- 8:14 PM
- 8:29 PM
- 8:36 PM
- 8:44 PM
- 8:51 PM
- 9:09 PM
- 9:19 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Semmancheri, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
570AC Bus Timings from Semmancheri towards (→) Kelambakkam
- Route No: 570AC
- Bus going towards: Kelambakkam
- Bus Timings from: Semmancheri
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 11:58 AM
- 12:18 PM
- 12:33 PM
- 12:40 PM
- 1:10 PM
- 4:03 PM
- 4:10 PM
- 4:18 PM
- 4:25 PM
- 4:33 PM
- 4:48 PM
- 5:10 PM
- 5:18 PM
- 8:10 PM
- 8:18 PM
- 8:33 PM
- 8:40 PM
- 8:48 PM
- 8:55 PM
- 9:13 PM
- 9:23 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Navallur, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
570AC Bus Timings from Navallur towards (→) Kelambakkam
- Route No: 570AC
- Bus going towards: Kelambakkam
- Bus Timings from: Navallur
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 12:04 PM
- 12:24 PM
- 12:39 PM
- 12:46 PM
- 1:16 PM
- 4:09 PM
- 4:16 PM
- 4:24 PM
- 4:31 PM
- 4:39 PM
- 4:54 PM
- 5:16 PM
- 5:24 PM
- 8:16 PM
- 8:24 PM
- 8:39 PM
- 8:46 PM
- 8:54 PM
- 9:01 PM
- 9:19 PM
- 9:29 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Egattur, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
570AC Bus Timings from Egattur towards (→) Kelambakkam
- Route No: 570AC
- Bus going towards: Kelambakkam
- Bus Timings from: Egattur
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 12:08 PM
- 12:28 PM
- 12:43 PM
- 12:50 PM
- 1:20 PM
- 4:13 PM
- 4:20 PM
- 4:28 PM
- 4:35 PM
- 4:43 PM
- 4:58 PM
- 5:20 PM
- 5:28 PM
- 8:20 PM
- 8:28 PM
- 8:43 PM
- 8:50 PM
- 8:58 PM
- 9:05 PM
- 9:23 PM
- 9:33 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Siruseri (Muttukadu), contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
570AC Bus Timings from Siruseri (Muttukadu) towards (→) Kelambakkam
- Route No: 570AC
- Bus going towards: Kelambakkam
- Bus Timings from: Siruseri (Muttukadu)
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 12:09 PM
- 12:29 PM
- 12:44 PM
- 12:51 PM
- 1:21 PM
- 4:14 PM
- 4:21 PM
- 4:29 PM
- 4:36 PM
- 4:44 PM
- 4:59 PM
- 5:21 PM
- 5:29 PM
- 8:21 PM
- 8:29 PM
- 8:44 PM
- 8:51 PM
- 8:59 PM
- 9:06 PM
- 9:24 PM
- 9:34 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is S.I.P.C.O.T. (Muttukadu), contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
570AC Bus Timings from S.I.P.C.O.T. (Muttukadu) towards (→) Kelambakkam
- Route No: 570AC
- Bus going towards: Kelambakkam
- Bus Timings from: S.I.P.C.O.T. (Muttukadu)
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 12:10 PM
- 12:30 PM
- 12:45 PM
- 12:52 PM
- 1:22 PM
- 4:15 PM
- 4:22 PM
- 4:30 PM
- 4:37 PM
- 4:45 PM
- 5:00 PM
- 5:22 PM
- 5:30 PM
- 8:22 PM
- 8:30 PM
- 8:45 PM
- 8:52 PM
- 9:00 PM
- 9:07 PM
- 9:25 PM
- 9:35 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Vaniyanchavadi Padma Adarsh School, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
Bus Timings from Vaniyanchavadi Padma Adarsh School towards (→) Kelambakkam
- Route No:
- Bus going towards: Kelambakkam
- Bus Timings from: Vaniyanchavadi Padma Adarsh School
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 12:12 PM
- 12:32 PM
- 12:47 PM
- 12:54 PM
- 1:24 PM
- 4:17 PM
- 4:24 PM
- 4:32 PM
- 4:39 PM
- 4:47 PM
- 5:02 PM
- 5:24 PM
- 5:32 PM
- 8:24 PM
- 8:32 PM
- 8:47 PM
- 8:54 PM
- 9:02 PM
- 9:09 PM
- 9:27 PM
- 9:37 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Kazhipattur, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
Bus Timings from Kazhipattur towards (→) Kelambakkam
- Route No:
- Bus going towards: Kelambakkam
- Bus Timings from: Kazhipattur
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 12:15 PM
- 12:35 PM
- 12:50 PM
- 12:57 PM
- 1:27 PM
- 4:20 PM
- 4:27 PM
- 4:35 PM
- 4:42 PM
- 4:50 PM
- 5:05 PM
- 5:27 PM
- 5:35 PM
- 8:27 PM
- 8:35 PM
- 8:50 PM
- 8:57 PM
- 9:05 PM
- 9:12 PM
- 9:30 PM
- 9:40 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Akshaya, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
Bus Timings from Akshaya towards (→) Kelambakkam
- Route No:
- Bus going towards: Kelambakkam
- Bus Timings from: Akshaya
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 12:18 PM
- 12:38 PM
- 12:53 PM
- 1:00 PM
- 1:30 PM
- 4:23 PM
- 4:30 PM
- 4:38 PM
- 4:45 PM
- 4:53 PM
- 5:08 PM
- 5:30 PM
- 5:38 PM
- 8:30 PM
- 8:38 PM
- 8:53 PM
- 9:00 PM
- 9:08 PM
- 9:15 PM
- 9:33 PM
- 9:43 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is O.M.R. Padur, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
Bus Timings from O.M.R. Padur towards (→) Kelambakkam
- Route No:
- Bus going towards: Kelambakkam
- Bus Timings from: O.M.R. Padur
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 12:19 PM
- 12:39 PM
- 12:54 PM
- 1:01 PM
- 1:31 PM
- 4:24 PM
- 4:31 PM
- 4:39 PM
- 4:46 PM
- 4:54 PM
- 5:09 PM
- 5:31 PM
- 5:39 PM
- 8:31 PM
- 8:39 PM
- 8:54 PM
- 9:01 PM
- 9:09 PM
- 9:16 PM
- 9:34 PM
- 9:44 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Hindustan College, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
Bus Timings from Hindustan College towards (→) Kelambakkam
- Route No:
- Bus going towards: Kelambakkam
- Bus Timings from: Hindustan College
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 12:22 PM
- 12:42 PM
- 12:57 PM
- 1:04 PM
- 1:34 PM
- 4:27 PM
- 4:34 PM
- 4:42 PM
- 4:49 PM
- 4:57 PM
- 5:12 PM
- 5:34 PM
- 5:42 PM
- 8:34 PM
- 8:42 PM
- 8:57 PM
- 9:04 PM
- 9:12 PM
- 9:19 PM
- 9:37 PM
- 9:47 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Chettinad Hospital, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
Bus Timings from Chettinad Hospital towards (→) Kelambakkam
- Route No:
- Bus going towards: Kelambakkam
- Bus Timings from: Chettinad Hospital
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 12:24 PM
- 12:44 PM
- 12:59 PM
- 1:06 PM
- 1:36 PM
- 4:29 PM
- 4:36 PM
- 4:44 PM
- 4:51 PM
- 4:59 PM
- 5:14 PM
- 5:36 PM
- 5:44 PM
- 8:36 PM
- 8:44 PM
- 8:59 PM
- 9:06 PM
- 9:14 PM
- 9:21 PM
- 9:39 PM
- 9:49 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Padur, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.