21C Bus Timings from Adyar Malar Hospital towards (→) Central Station
- Route No: 21C
- Bus going towards: Central Station
- Bus Timings from: Adyar Malar Hospital
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 6:39 AM
- 7:19 AM
- 8:39 AM
- 9:24 AM
- 10:04 AM
- 11:24 AM
- 12:04 PM
- 12:49 PM
- 2:14 PM
- 2:49 PM
- 3:29 PM
- 4:54 PM
- 5:34 PM
- 6:14 PM
- 7:34 PM
- 8:14 PM
- 8:54 PM
- 10:19 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Andhra Mahila Sabha Hospital (Sathya Studios), contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
21C Bus Timings from Andhra Mahila Sabha Hospital (Sathya Studios) towards (→) Central Station
- Route No: 21C
- Bus going towards: Central Station
- Bus Timings from: Andhra Mahila Sabha Hospital (Sathya Studios)
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 6:42 AM
- 7:22 AM
- 8:42 AM
- 9:27 AM
- 10:07 AM
- 11:27 AM
- 12:07 PM
- 12:52 PM
- 2:17 PM
- 2:52 PM
- 3:32 PM
- 4:57 PM
- 5:37 PM
- 6:17 PM
- 7:37 PM
- 8:17 PM
- 8:57 PM
- 10:22 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is R.K. Mutt Road, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
21C Bus Timings from R.K. Mutt Road towards (→) Central Station
- Route No: 21C
- Bus going towards: Central Station
- Bus Timings from: R.K. Mutt Road
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 6:44 AM
- 7:24 AM
- 8:44 AM
- 9:29 AM
- 10:09 AM
- 11:29 AM
- 12:09 PM
- 12:54 PM
- 2:19 PM
- 2:54 PM
- 3:34 PM
- 4:59 PM
- 5:39 PM
- 6:19 PM
- 7:39 PM
- 8:19 PM
- 8:59 PM
- 10:24 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Rani Meyyammai School, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
21C Bus Timings from Rani Meyyammai School towards (→) Central Station
- Route No: 21C
- Bus going towards: Central Station
- Bus Timings from: Rani Meyyammai School
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 6:45 AM
- 7:25 AM
- 8:45 AM
- 9:30 AM
- 10:10 AM
- 11:30 AM
- 12:10 PM
- 12:55 PM
- 2:20 PM
- 2:55 PM
- 3:35 PM
- 5:00 PM
- 5:40 PM
- 6:20 PM
- 7:40 PM
- 8:20 PM
- 9:00 PM
- 10:25 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Mandaveli, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
21C Bus Timings from Mandaveli towards (→) Central Station
- Route No: 21C
- Bus going towards: Central Station
- Bus Timings from: Mandaveli
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 6:47 AM
- 7:27 AM
- 8:47 AM
- 9:32 AM
- 10:12 AM
- 11:32 AM
- 12:12 PM
- 12:57 PM
- 2:22 PM
- 2:57 PM
- 3:37 PM
- 5:02 PM
- 5:42 PM
- 6:22 PM
- 7:42 PM
- 8:22 PM
- 9:02 PM
- 10:27 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Ramakrishna Madam, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
21C Bus Timings from Ramakrishna Madam towards (→) Central Station
- Route No: 21C
- Bus going towards: Central Station
- Bus Timings from: Ramakrishna Madam
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 6:48 AM
- 7:28 AM
- 8:48 AM
- 9:33 AM
- 10:13 AM
- 11:33 AM
- 12:13 PM
- 12:58 PM
- 2:23 PM
- 2:58 PM
- 3:38 PM
- 5:03 PM
- 5:43 PM
- 6:23 PM
- 7:43 PM
- 8:23 PM
- 9:03 PM
- 10:28 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Mylapore Tank, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
21C Bus Timings from Mylapore Tank towards (→) Central Station
- Route No: 21C
- Bus going towards: Central Station
- Bus Timings from: Mylapore Tank
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 6:50 AM
- 7:30 AM
- 8:50 AM
- 9:35 AM
- 10:15 AM
- 11:35 AM
- 12:15 PM
- 1:00 PM
- 2:25 PM
- 3:00 PM
- 3:40 PM
- 5:05 PM
- 5:45 PM
- 6:25 PM
- 7:45 PM
- 8:25 PM
- 9:05 PM
- 10:30 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Luz Church, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
21C Bus Timings from Luz Church towards (→) Central Station
- Route No: 21C
- Bus going towards: Central Station
- Bus Timings from: Luz Church
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 6:51 AM
- 7:31 AM
- 8:51 AM
- 9:36 AM
- 10:16 AM
- 11:36 AM
- 12:16 PM
- 1:01 PM
- 2:26 PM
- 3:01 PM
- 3:41 PM
- 5:06 PM
- 5:46 PM
- 6:26 PM
- 7:46 PM
- 8:26 PM
- 9:06 PM
- 10:31 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Thiruvalluvar Statue, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
21C Bus Timings from Thiruvalluvar Statue towards (→) Central Station
- Route No: 21C
- Bus going towards: Central Station
- Bus Timings from: Thiruvalluvar Statue
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 6:53 AM
- 7:33 AM
- 8:53 AM
- 9:38 AM
- 10:18 AM
- 11:38 AM
- 12:18 PM
- 1:03 PM
- 2:28 PM
- 3:03 PM
- 3:43 PM
- 5:08 PM
- 5:48 PM
- 6:28 PM
- 7:48 PM
- 8:28 PM
- 9:08 PM
- 10:33 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Hotel Ajantha (Earlish Lab), contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
21C Bus Timings from Hotel Ajantha (Earlish Lab) towards (→) Central Station
- Route No: 21C
- Bus going towards: Central Station
- Bus Timings from: Hotel Ajantha (Earlish Lab)
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 6:55 AM
- 7:35 AM
- 8:55 AM
- 9:40 AM
- 10:20 AM
- 11:40 AM
- 12:20 PM
- 1:05 PM
- 2:30 PM
- 3:05 PM
- 3:45 PM
- 5:10 PM
- 5:50 PM
- 6:30 PM
- 7:50 PM
- 8:30 PM
- 9:10 PM
- 10:35 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Hotel Swageth, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
21C Bus Timings from Hotel Swageth towards (→) Central Station
- Route No: 21C
- Bus going towards: Central Station
- Bus Timings from: Hotel Swageth
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 6:56 AM
- 7:36 AM
- 8:56 AM
- 9:41 AM
- 10:21 AM
- 11:41 AM
- 12:21 PM
- 1:06 PM
- 2:31 PM
- 3:06 PM
- 3:46 PM
- 5:11 PM
- 5:51 PM
- 6:31 PM
- 7:51 PM
- 8:31 PM
- 9:11 PM
- 10:36 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Royapettah Hospital, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
21C Bus Timings from Royapettah Hospital towards (→) Central Station
- Route No: 21C
- Bus going towards: Central Station
- Bus Timings from: Royapettah Hospital
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 6:58 AM
- 7:38 AM
- 8:58 AM
- 9:43 AM
- 10:23 AM
- 11:43 AM
- 12:23 PM
- 1:08 PM
- 2:33 PM
- 3:08 PM
- 3:48 PM
- 5:13 PM
- 5:53 PM
- 6:33 PM
- 7:53 PM
- 8:33 PM
- 9:13 PM
- 10:38 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Wesley School, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
21C Bus Timings from Wesley School towards (→) Central Station
- Route No: 21C
- Bus going towards: Central Station
- Bus Timings from: Wesley School
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 6:59 AM
- 7:39 AM
- 8:59 AM
- 9:44 AM
- 10:24 AM
- 11:44 AM
- 12:24 PM
- 1:09 PM
- 2:34 PM
- 3:09 PM
- 3:49 PM
- 5:14 PM
- 5:54 PM
- 6:34 PM
- 7:54 PM
- 8:34 PM
- 9:14 PM
- 10:39 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is L.I.C., contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
21C Bus Timings from L.I.C. towards (→) Central Station
- Route No: 21C
- Bus going towards: Central Station
- Bus Timings from: L.I.C.
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 7:02 AM
- 7:42 AM
- 9:02 AM
- 9:47 AM
- 10:27 AM
- 11:47 AM
- 12:27 PM
- 1:12 PM
- 2:37 PM
- 3:12 PM
- 3:52 PM
- 5:17 PM
- 5:57 PM
- 6:37 PM
- 7:57 PM
- 8:37 PM
- 9:17 PM
- 10:42 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Mount Road Post Office, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
Bus Timings from Mount Road Post Office towards (→) Central Station
- Route No:
- Bus going towards: Central Station
- Bus Timings from: Mount Road Post Office
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 7:04 AM
- 7:44 AM
- 9:04 AM
- 9:49 AM
- 10:29 AM
- 11:49 AM
- 12:29 PM
- 1:14 PM
- 2:39 PM
- 3:14 PM
- 3:54 PM
- 5:19 PM
- 5:59 PM
- 6:39 PM
- 7:59 PM
- 8:39 PM
- 9:19 PM
- 10:44 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is The Hindu, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.