Below are the departure board timings from each bus stop for the Chennai MTC bus route 157EXN moving towards (→) Padianallur. Instead if you are looking for bus timings when moving towards the other direction (Thiruvottiyur Ajax Bus Depot), please check 157EXN Bus Route page or visit directly Route 157EXN Timings from Intermediate Bus Stops towards Thiruvottiyur Ajax Bus Depot.
Kindly note that MTC might change the timings for bus route 157EXN as per the public demand and we do our best to provide you with updated bus timings. However the timings provided here for Chennai city bus route 157EXN is only for your reference, for accurate info, please check with MTC Chennai customer care.
Next station is Thiruvottiyur Ajax Bus Depot, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
157EXN Bus Timings from Thiruvottiyur Ajax Bus Depot towards (→) Padianallur
- Route No: 157EXN
- Bus going towards: Padianallur
- Bus Timings from: Thiruvottiyur Ajax Bus Depot
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 6:45 AM
- 1:05 PM
- 4:15 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Vellayan Chettiyar School, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
157EXN Bus Timings from Vellayan Chettiyar School towards (→) Padianallur
- Route No: 157EXN
- Bus going towards: Padianallur
- Bus Timings from: Vellayan Chettiyar School
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 6:46 AM
- 1:06 PM
- 4:16 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Thiruvottiyur Market, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
157EXN Bus Timings from Thiruvottiyur Market towards (→) Padianallur
- Route No: 157EXN
- Bus going towards: Padianallur
- Bus Timings from: Thiruvottiyur Market
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 6:48 AM
- 1:08 PM
- 4:18 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Theradi, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
157EXN Bus Timings from Theradi towards (→) Padianallur
- Route No: 157EXN
- Bus going towards: Padianallur
- Bus Timings from: Theradi
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 6:49 AM
- 1:09 PM
- 4:19 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Raja Kadai, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
157EXN Bus Timings from Raja Kadai towards (→) Padianallur
- Route No: 157EXN
- Bus going towards: Padianallur
- Bus Timings from: Raja Kadai
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 6:49 AM
- 1:09 PM
- 4:19 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Ellaiamman Kovil, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
157EXN Bus Timings from Ellaiamman Kovil towards (→) Padianallur
- Route No: 157EXN
- Bus going towards: Padianallur
- Bus Timings from: Ellaiamman Kovil
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 6:51 AM
- 1:11 PM
- 4:21 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Thiruvottiyur Police Station, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
157EXN Bus Timings from Thiruvottiyur Police Station towards (→) Padianallur
- Route No: 157EXN
- Bus going towards: Padianallur
- Bus Timings from: Thiruvottiyur Police Station
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 6:52 AM
- 1:12 PM
- 4:22 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Kaladi Pet, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
157EXN Bus Timings from Kaladi Pet towards (→) Padianallur
- Route No: 157EXN
- Bus going towards: Padianallur
- Bus Timings from: Kaladi Pet
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 6:53 AM
- 1:13 PM
- 4:23 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Thangal, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
157EXN Bus Timings from Thangal towards (→) Padianallur
- Route No: 157EXN
- Bus going towards: Padianallur
- Bus Timings from: Thangal
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 6:54 AM
- 1:14 PM
- 4:24 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Toll Gate Bus Depot, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
157EXN Bus Timings from Toll Gate Bus Depot towards (→) Padianallur
- Route No: 157EXN
- Bus going towards: Padianallur
- Bus Timings from: Toll Gate Bus Depot
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 6:56 AM
- 1:16 PM
- 4:26 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Cross Road, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
157EXN Bus Timings from Cross Road towards (→) Padianallur
- Route No: 157EXN
- Bus going towards: Padianallur
- Bus Timings from: Cross Road
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 6:58 AM
- 1:18 PM
- 4:28 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Lakshmi Amman Koil, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
157EXN Bus Timings from Lakshmi Amman Koil towards (→) Padianallur
- Route No: 157EXN
- Bus going towards: Padianallur
- Bus Timings from: Lakshmi Amman Koil
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 7:00 AM
- 1:20 PM
- 4:30 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Tondiarpet Bus Depot, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
157EXN Bus Timings from Tondiarpet Bus Depot towards (→) Padianallur
- Route No: 157EXN
- Bus going towards: Padianallur
- Bus Timings from: Tondiarpet Bus Depot
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 7:01 AM
- 1:21 PM
- 4:31 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Apollo Hospital, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
157EXN Bus Timings from Apollo Hospital towards (→) Padianallur
- Route No: 157EXN
- Bus going towards: Padianallur
- Bus Timings from: Apollo Hospital
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 7:02 AM
- 1:22 PM
- 4:32 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Tondiarpet Power House, contact MTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.